Irony & Disconnect
While scrolling through Facebook awhile ago, I came across this photo and comment:

My thoughts: Yep. There’s a total disconnect happening here between the marketing/fundraising side and the mission. Here’s an organization whose mission is to plant trees and they just sent out 4 pieces of paper and a paper calendar (made from trees, in case you didn’t know) AND to someone who wasn’t interested.
Why? Did they think people wouldn’t connect trees and paper together? I mean so many don’t, so I get it. I’m sure the paper had all the certifications and labeling to be good for the environment, but does it matter if your goal is to plant more trees?
Now if they really want to stand out to donors, why not use seed paper that you can PLANT? Or better yet, send a species/area appropriate tree with whatever donation request on seed paper? Either of these are not the cheapest option. They also aren’t the norm for the barrage of direct mail solicitations arriving in mailboxes through the end of the year.
If organizations want to step up their game (and donations raised), they need to stand out. Really consider budget, goals, and track your returns. What do you want your recipient to feel when they open their mailbox? Bombarded with long letters, that get skimmed through and tossed aside, recycled or composted. OR would you rather have someone open their mailbox to find a thank you for the support card directing them to a website with a completely personalized video? You can track just who watches their video and what their response is- donate, forward, share on social media or nothing at all.
PS. If you’re with an organization and you’re reading this, pleeeeaaasse stop sending address labels. This is NOT NEW OR UNIQUE! THANK YOU! 😊